Described in another review as “a charming country French restaurant nestled in a 1750 white clapboard farmhouse.” We ate here twice and had excellent experiences both times. Slightly expensive (though well worth it for special occasions). La Crémaillére Restaurant 46 Bedford-Banksville Road Bedford, NY 10506 914-234-9647
North Square in Manhattan
My husband and I ate at North Square Restaurant a couple of times and liked it very much. From what I remember, the food was tasty, the price was reasonable for its quality, the staff were attentive, and the decor was beautiful. North Square Restaurant Washington Square Hotel 103 Waverly Place (at MacDougal Street) New …
Heart Beat USB Memory Key
I’m so excited about my new USB memory key! I received a big discount through a loyalty program. I remember yearning for this USB ever since it came out. The first time I saw it I was in Pisa, Italy. I’ll still keep my 256 MB around for just in case. The key has a …
My Lust for Guerlain
My first Guerlain purchase was in 1999. It was none other than their Meteorites =). I still love Meteorites- it is Guerlain’s yearly re-invention. Every season I try to visit the counters at Saks or Neiman Marcus. Unfortunately, my three most favorite Guerlain make-up artists have moved on (Pamela, Polenka, & Julio). Julio used to …
More Pedro Garcias
Here are some more gorgeous Pedro Garcias… If only money was no object!
I’m so mad at @#%! I experienced a few problems while using their site to order a pair of shoes. It was so weird e.g. both their search bar and shopping cart weren’t working right. To make a long story short, I’m stuck with a pair of Pedro Garcia Noa Pumps- a pending order …
Paul & Joe Beauty
I really love everything about Paul & Joe- the designs and colors. Sophie Albou is a wonderful designer! I must visit one of her stores soon. Sephora used to carry Paul & Joe. I think Bergdorf Goodman is one of the rare stores which currently carries their Beauty Collection (one may order over the phone). …
Characteristics of Gemini
Characteristics Considered Positive * Active * Adaptable * Communicative * Inquisitive * Intellectual * Charming * Multitasking * Whimsical * Witty * Straight-forward * Talkative * Open-minded * Experimental * Enthusiastic * Energetic * Spontaneous * Risk-taking * Friendly * Dynamic * Youthful * Clever * Imaginative Characteristics Considered Negative * dualistic * self-interested * …
The Blazer Pub
My brother-in-law, Matt, visited us this week. We treated him to dinner at The Blazer Pub (a place we knew he would like). Blazer’s is described as having “true roadfood ambiance.” This pub was newly renovated due to an electrical fire (I believe a squirrel is to blame) which occurred November 23, 2007. They were …