Butter cookies with a large glass of milk is perfect for me. They’re not the healthiest snack, but in moderation, they are some kind of wonderful =). I’ve always liked the pretzel shaped butter cookies the best (haha, even though from the Royal Dansk cookie tin- they really are about all the same). I bought a small tin of them from CVS this past Saturday. I think I said “uhm” accidentally out loud and saw two people look at me… afterall, they are “uhm”-worthy. I think they switched out the round-raisin ones for round-coconut ones and added round-stripe ones. No big deal, they are equally excellent. My paternal grandmother would always have the biggest container of Royal Dansk in her home. I would eat so many of them in one sitting that I would feel sick to the gills =(. I’ve never stopped craving for them. This is probably the first time in a few years since I had Royal Dansk cookies.
*Photocredit: Amazon