One of my biggest peeves regarding buying handbags from a website is that the company doesn’t offer enough product details to help the consumer make an educated decision about their purchase. Consumers have a right to know what they are putting their money towards and companies benefit by potentially decreasing their number of returns. I love the pictures that companies like Zappos, Endless, and eBags provide their consumer. Doesn’t leave much to the imagination in that what you see is basically what you get, though computer monitor variations may cause slight coloration differences. Zappos has actually taken it a step further to include video descriptions on some of their products such as the ones below so kudos to them =)
*VideoCredit: Zappos
Zappos on B. Makowsky Dakar Tote
Zappos on Betsy Johnson Locked In Clutch
Zappos on The Sak Handbags Casual Classic Drawstring